Sunday, January 15, 2012

The first man formed was a sinner, the first woman was deceived; fallen as one flesh
The first man born was a killer: who murdered his own brother out of jealousy
The second man - was/is the Son of God
The arm outstretched of the Living Yah
The Eternal One, who is mighty to save
He took the death that was meant for me
He came to set the captives free
I resisted Him for years.. through trials, torments, and countless tears
For many years demons infected me
My body afflicted through Satan's lies
On a number of occasions I nearly died...
Mine iniquity was wages of the pit...
In my schizophrenic state I collapsed 
My pride toppled down, upon my crumbled vanity
Idols within blew away like dust
And I surrendered to Him
With little fuss
For I knew only He could save me, from my sinful slavery
Out of the cage, He carried me
Breaking the chains of my iniquity
He washed my crippled form
He caused my eyes to see and ears to hear His melody
Now I behold, Now I move about with ease
I fly, I soar
For the Narrow path is blessed indeed; the only road to Paradise
I cling onto the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Who is Immanuel...

                                Jesus Christ

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