Friday, February 3, 2012

Before God we are always naked; there is nothing we can hide. For "the eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." Proverbs 15:3
There is a liberation that comes with confession, it is called forgiveness.
There is a promise that comes from repentance, that of salvation.
There is only one way...
Christ Jesus of Nazareth 
Born in Bethlehem from the Virgin Mary of the House and seed of King David son of Jesse
The Kinsman Redeemer of Ruth
Conceived of the Spirit; The Word Incarnate
Immanuel, God with us
The Holy One of Israel
The Right Arm of the LORD
The Hand of God
The Servant of the LORD, wounded for our transgressions
The Eternal King of Israel!
The Prince of Peace
The King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords
The Vine, the Bread of Life, the Gate
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Light of the World
The Groom... awaiting marriage with his Bride!

Glory, honor and praise be unto Him. Unto ages and ages
World without end


The Return

**See the humans standing in disbelief**

Staring in the skies filled with amazement

     Heavens rolled up like a scroll

Hoards of Angels appear

Weeping and wailing, we behold...

The One who we pierced

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Ernest Prayer

Lord God, Guide me in the Way
The narrow path which leads to you,
To fountains of eternal life.
O, i pray!
Guard my eyes against beauty
Keep my body from lust

i put you in my trust

Protect me from ignorance
Rebuke me from arrogance
Deliver me from laziness
Teach me diligence and patience
Give me vision; Oh lead me on!
Hold my heart far from vanity
Dissolve my pride into humility.

Amen LORD!